We have just added our
Sinterklaas goodies to our website! Now you can finally indulge yourself in
Pepernoten and
Gevulde Speculaas! We will start shipping the products from our Sinterklaas selection in October.

The new Senseo Royal Blue is in stock, and this very unique set contains a bag of the
newest Senseo Lusty Lime Pods, as well as 2 original Senseo Glasses, but these glasses are different from the original ones, as these have
lime details, which look stunning and match the machine perfectly!

The Senseo Glasses are also available individually, and come in lime, red, and orange.

We have also added a unique new product;
"Candy in a Can!"
These make great gifts; you can fill the can with up to 6 different kinds of candy, then we will close the can and seal it, so the recipient has to open the can with an opener, and finally we will attach the label of your choice and giftwrap it for you! We have a large selection of labels available, so this makes a gift for every occasion!
Keep an eye open for our
October Newsletter, as we will be celebrating our
2 year anniversary, which means even more free goodies!