
We always wanted the site to not only feature products that can be purchased, but we also wanted Typical Dutch Stuff to form a source for information and to be interactive. That's why we have a selection of recipes, a blog, a forum, and many contests.

As of today, our visitors can watch a selection of Dutch television commercials on our website. We figured this would interesting to Dutch expats all over the world.

Access is of course free, but we do work with a password protected area (to prevent bandwidth overload). All you have to do is email us for the password!

You can find them on Our Commercials Page

Senseo will be releasing a new flavor "Mystic Valley; Columbia Blend."

They should be available around May 2006, and we will be stocking them as soon as we can get our hands on them. We'll also be stocking the Senseo Cappucino pods in the very near future.